End Times? This is Disturbing…

End Times? This is Disturbing… by Randolph Jason – Gospel News Network

Sometimes don’t you pray you can somehow un-see something? Well, keep that in mind if you decide to watch the video below – there is no un-seeing.

This is the agenda that is being pushed, heavily, in the U.S. and it appears to be a major force in Eastern Europe as well. We have been following the surge of Christianity around the world and this is a big part of the counter attack. The enemy is sending out his minions to do his bidding just as Jesus is teaching His children to suit up and pray up.

Dr. Steve Turley, among others, has shown without question the growth of Christianity around the world. This growth is fueling the populist / nationalist movement that we see in nations where Christianity is seeing major growth patterns. If we look at Russia we seen the lightening rod of growth with the Orthodox Christian community building 3 churches a day. We just reported on the largest Orthodox Christian church in Egypt, primarily a muslim nation, being built right now. This is not an accident. Neither is the disturbing footing in the video below. These two situations demonstrate what is happening around the world.

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On one hand we see masses turning to Jesus Christ for guidance while at the same time we see masses seemingly going over the edge to support the enemies efforts. Are we witnessing something of the “end times” or just another day on planet Earth?

Several years ago there were hundreds, if not thousands, of reports about “strange sounds” emanating from nowhere but somehow being heard everywhere. These sounds are now being reported again on January 16, 2019. Just last week we saw a swarm of locust descend onto Mecca, where muslims gather from around the world. Are these not discussed as being signs of the end times? Are these not clues to coming changes? What about cryptocurrencies? People have been saying for years this is the currency of the enemy.

The thumbnail of the video gives you a good idea of what’s inside. Remember, you can’t un-see it.

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